March 2023 …
With great confidence and pride, our first customised horse trucks are in production. Thanks to customers who trusted our team.
For years during our professional activities in different sports we have been thinking and brainstorming about the ideal horse truck or mobile home.
Like many sportsmen both pro and amateur, we spend many hours and days in the mobile home and have loaded and unloaded horses countless times.
But… for the last 2 years we have taken the initiative.
The comments and wishes of athletes, grooms, owners, families have been taken into consideration with a team of passionate constructors and engineers.
Craftsmen with an eye for detail and strength!
We ourselves have spent the last year living and working with our first demo / prototype.
Each time with a critical eye on quality, durability and comfort….
With that experience, quality materials and craftsmanship, we have developed a new concept that meets your requirements!
PERFORMANCE starts where QUality BEgins